A clear sky. Low 43F. Winds NW at 10 to 20 mph..
A clear sky. Low 43F. Winds NW at 10 to 20 mph.
Elsie Alberta Collins Grist, entered eternal life on Thursday, Sept. 15, 2022, at the age of 102.
Elsie was born June 20, 1920, to Alice and Clarence Collins, in Rockland Village (now under the Scituate Reservoir). She was a dedicated wife and mother, well-loved by family, friends and strangers.
Elsie attended Clayville and Cranston schools and graduated from Central High in 1937. Elsie met Everett in high school when they would travel on the trolley car each day. They married in September of 1940 in Olneyville, R.I. They lived on Robin Street in Providence. Elsie remained strong while Everett was on active duty during WWII. Their first child, Donald, was born at this time. After military service they moved to North Scituate and had three more daughters.
Elsie first worked at Bowie Casting in Scituate, then at Scituate Sanitorium, a nursing home, as an aide, and finally in more recent years she retired from her job at the town of Scituate tax office. She was also clerk of the Scituate Planning Board. During that time she remained busy with the Clayville PTA, Chopmist Hill Fire Dept. auxiliary, the Scituate Ambulance Corp. and also was a 4-H leader, teaching many young girls sewing, cooking and leadership. In more recent years, Elsie was active as a member of Foster Center Baptist Church.
Elsie and Everett lived on Central Pike in North Scituate until the great age of 101, caring for their home and yard. In October of 2021, they decided to move to the Village At Waterman Lake in Greenville until her passing on Thursday.
Elsie is survived by her husband of 82 years, Everett, and their four children; Donald Grist (wife Anita); Linda Whitford (husband Walt); Susan Lane (husband Floyd) and Cindy McKinney (husband Mark); 15 grandchildren, 29 great-grandchildren and 13 great-great-grandchildren.
Elsie loved getting involved with all of her family and her many, many friends. She enjoyed making ceramics, taking tole painting classes, belonging to the R.I. Rock and Mineral Club and she spent many hours working in her gardens. She loved life and everyone loved her.
Visitation will be held Friday, Sept. 23, from 9 to 10 a.m., with a funeral service to follow at 10 a.m., in the Winfield & Sons Funeral Home, 571 West Greenville Road, Scituate. Burial will be in Highland Memorial Park Cemetery, Johnston.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Continuum Hospice, 1350 Division Road, Suite 205, West Warwick, RI 02893.
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